Online Ordering:
To use our secure online ordering system, simply click the "Order" button
next to each item you wish to purchase. You will be taken to the shopping
cart page where you can see the list of items you are ordering. If there
are items on your list you do not want, set the quantity to zero and click
"Recalculate" then continue as before. Click "Return to shopping" to select
another item or "Go to payments" to complete your order and "check out".
After you have entered your billing information, you will be taken to a
secure server to give your credit card information.
Hours of Operation:
Customer Service and Order lines are open Monday through Friday from 9:00am
to 4:00pm Central Time except holidays.
Payment Methods:
Government Organizations, Public Schools, Civil Service, etc., may submit
purchase orders under the following conditions: ALL Purchase Orders should
be mailed or fax'd ( 405.528.7200 ) for verification and approval prior to
acceptance. Original copy must be mailed with order and include name
(printed) and phone number of authorized purchasing agent, (for
verification purposes).
Individuals, private concerns, and Volunteer organizations, (not funded by
a government agency), must pay by VISA, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, UPS COD, CASH
or by payment sent in advance of order.
Minimum Order:
Orders of less than $50.00 cannot be processed.
Free Shipping:
Pre-Paid orders over $100.00 receive ground delivery service at no
additional charge. Pre-Payment methods include: Cash in advance, Money
Order, Bank Wire Transfer, or Cashiers Check.
We do our best to have the most popular items in stock, but delivery times
and availability will vary. Order early to avoid disappointment.
If an item is out of stock, but expected within a few days, we will hold
order, and ship complete unless instructed otherwise.
Regular crystal order time is 10 - 14 working days from time of order. (For
units requiring crystals.)
In addition to warranty service of the products we sell, RadioHQ also
RadioHQ does not sell repair parts, manuals, or provide technical support
for individuals or companies repairing their own equipment.